Sunday, November 15, 2015


To use emotive or factual language to inform and entertain an audience.
  • Topic - Say the paragraph topic
  • Fact - about the topic
  • Detail - on the fact
  • Talk to the audience
I Love Kittens
Meow!Meow!”You are so cute Flash. Come on flash you can beat that other kitten. So as you can see I am telling you what kittens do and somethings about kittens you might not know.
If you don’t know my name here it is Payton.     Kittens are also known as kitty and kitty cat.                                                             

When their eyes are opened they start to explore the world and outside the nest with their siblings and their mother and father.  Normally they open their eyes after seven or ten days. They also love playing with wool.

About three to four weeks they stop drinking milk from their mum and start to eat solid food and grow adult teeth.

Of course they grow into cats but they still feel fluffy. They come in all sorts of different colours like white, black, grey brown and also come in heaps of other colours.
They are nice and there for you when you're sad, mad or annoyed.

Now you should know a little bit more about kittens and what they eat and what they do to you when you’re sad.

By Payton 


  1. Hi Payton
    I like the way you used ajictives to your writing for example fluffy and annoyed.
    I like the way you decribed the kitten for example black white grey and brown.
    Next time add more detail to your writing for example kittens scattered around on the ground like a spinning wheel.
    from Rinoa

  2. Hi,Payton.
    I like the way you described your kitten.
    Example he is FLUFFY!!!!!
    I like the way you used ajectivse.
    Next time you could add more detail to your writing for example kittens scattered around on the ground like a spinning weel.
