Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Do small guys matter?

For our inquiry topic room 18 have been researching about the different types of invertebrates; Our small guys. 
We have been creating questions on what we would like to find out about our small guy. 

Today we went for a walk around the school in search for small guys as we now know that they are important for a healthy environment. 

However we did not many so together we have come up with the idea to create houses for our small guys to live. 

This has lead us to the questions;
How do we do this? 
What do we need? 
What do our small guys like to live in? 
Can we build our own reserve for these creatures to live? 
What do we need to change at school for them to live? 
Can we use our environment to create the houses? 
Do they like living in the same house? 

Room 18 have been doing some amazing thinking and discovering, can you help us. 
What are your thoughts? 

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